“ No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” 1 John 4:12

Everywhere that Jesus went, He had a multitude that followed Him. Some because they had heard of His teachings that were totally a foreign concept. Jesus spoke of things like grace and forgiveness. He also taught about what faced those that continued to reject God and that was an eternity in hell. Others came to Him out of curiosity. They had heard of His miracles and wanted to see Him for themselves. Yet others may have been seeking healing from a physical ailment. Whatever the reason, once they saw Jesus and received Him with open minds and open hearts, their lives were changed forever.
Today, we may be the only Jesus people ever sees. Do we live our lives before others in a way that portrays a true image of Christ? Our we loving towards others? Do we have a gentle spirit? Are we someone that an unbeliever would feel compelled to ask about this Jesus that we join together to worship?
We must strive to remember if our “walk doesn’t match our talk”, that we aren’t giving the world a true image of the Jesus that we know and love.