Blog Entry

Jesus loves us all

by Rev. Rick Pursley

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28

It seems as if we live in a constant state of division. Politically, doctrinally, ethnically and socially. It is the Republicans vs the Democrats, the haves vs the have nots.  The old guard vs the enthusiastic Christian who wants to serve but is turned away…..

Satan loves to use division to keep people in a state of confusion, disappointment and even depression.  Division is a term I have heard quite a bit it seems from people from all walks of life.  It occurs in our government, our families, our workplaces and in our churches.

The Apostle Paul reminds us that we are all ONE in Christ Jesus.  Those folks that we are tempted to judge or look at with contempt are created in the image of God just as we were created,   Each capable of loving and serving our Lord.  

There is enough division in our world without Christians contributing to it.  Remember who we are and more importantly who we represent.  We may be the only Jesus that people ever see.  Are we giving those around us in our workplaces, our neighborhoods, our churches and our homes a true and accurate picture of Christ?  Or a distorted picture that is foggy and confusing?

Let each of us live our lives in our words and our deeds in a way that gives a crystal clear picture of our Savior.  The One who loves us all.