Blog Entry

Walk a mile in someone’s shoes

by Rev. Rick Pursley


“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Each of us have our own load of burdens that we bear.  Stress from work, over extended on our time, maybe it is financial.  Yet we usually don’t have to look far to see somebody who is dealing with pain that makes our problems seem sometimes insignificant.  Perhaps you have lost a loved one and certain days will be tougher than others as you deal with that loss. With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, we should be ever mindful that these holidays are always joyful for some, but a constant reminder of what has been lost. Others may be caring for an elderly parent whose days are numbered. The list is endless.

Each of us will deal with tragedy, loss and heart ache at some point in our lives.  It is inevitable.  When we see our neighbors and friends struggling, we should do what we can to ease that burden in their lives.  When we introduce Jesus in their lives by not just our words but our deeds, we do them the greatest favor in the world.  

Mark Hall from “Casting Crowns” said that people came to Jesus for what He could give them and that they could take away.  What He really wants to give each of us today is Him.  Not just a feeling, but a relationship that is so deep that it overshadows everything else in our lives. Our lives needs to focus on Jesus and reflect Him to others.

When we are willing to put ourselves in the place of one who is suffering, perhaps we will be quicker to show Christ love to them.